SPOT X Satellite Messenger

SPOT X Satellite Messenger Firmware Released

In our continued effort to ensure the best possible SPOT X Satellite Messenger user experience, we have made some updates to the firmware to improve usability and overall intuitiveness.

Read about our Spot X Elevate Your Adventure – Free Service Upgrades Promotion

We highly recommend that SPOT X customers update their SPOT X firmware at their earliest convenience to start benefiting from these upgrades.

Note: Mac users must download the newest SPOT X Updater before completing the latest firmware update (v1.7.14).

Below are some of the upgrade highlights.


GPS –  a new icon to show if a GPS signal is or isn’t available

Up arrow – a new icon to identify that a message is being sent


We have updated the SPOT X compass to function like your smartphone’s compass. The direction you point the device is the direction you’re heading.


Upon activation, new users will see initial set up tutorial pop-up messages to show key functions and features of their SPOT X. 


  • Text message bubbles have been added for readability, just like your Smartphone.
  • A pop-up message will appear if the GPS fails to get a fix to send a message.
  • Immediate typing in text fields upon selection.
  • Improved message delivery from the device and message delivered acknowledgment.
  • Screen resolution consistency at all levels of device battery strength.
  • Message queue irregularities have been corrected.
  • Updated Firmware Version format i.e. this version is v1.7.14

To view the full set of release notes and to download the SPOT X Firmware updater click here.

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